Carholme By-Election Candidate Announced
James Brown, a local teacher, has been announced as the Liberal Democrat candidate in the upcoming Carholme by-election.
James commented: "I'm standing because I want Carholme to be greener, cleaner and safer. We have a strong community and wonderful open spaces, but get a poor deal from County Hall.Potholes blight our roads, bus shelters are left smashed and we get forgotten, whilst cash is spent on city centre vanity projects."
"At a local level, whether at city or county hall, in Carholme we've had Labour councillors for decades - but local residents tell me that nothing ever seems to change. I'm standing to be that change - an pro-active representative that will fight for our community."
Councillor Clare Smalley, Leader of the Lib Dems on City of Lincoln Council, added: "Local elections are about what happens on your doorstep. It’s about public services and who will stand up for you.This by-election is also a chance to send a message to the Conservative Government and their shambolic trashing of the economy and public services – but voting Labour would just mean more of the same for Lincoln.
"Lincoln Labour’s record speaks for itself. Christmas market cancelled without consultation, bus shelters axed, hundreds of damp homes needing mould treatment. If they fail to deliver at the city council, why would they be any better at the county council? James is the energetic, approachable campaigner that would make a real difference - he has my full support."